When a person is dependent upon an opioid drug, he or she may experience a lot of challenges when trying to break the addiction; however, breaking the addiction is possible. Most experts that treat substance abuse problems recommend using a combination of different substance abuse treatment services when breaking an addiction, and here are several reasons this option works the best.
Opioids Change the Brain
Most people are not able to choose to break an opioid addiction and then instantly follow through with this choice, and this is primarily because opioid drugs have so many effects on the brain. An addict's brain is dependent upon receiving opioid drugs, and the person's brain will not respond well when it does not get the drugs. In most cases, the only way an addict can feel normal and good is by taking or using more drugs. It takes time to retrain the brain to act in ways that are normal, and that is why breaking an opioid addiction takes time and may require using several different treatment methods.
Treatment Methods Work in Different Ways
A second reason an addict should use several treatment methods is because each method works differently. One type of method used for treating opioid addictions is medication, such as Suboxone or Methadone. The use of medication helps a person break an addiction to drugs by mimicking some of the effects of the drugs on the brain. A person using medication to break an addiction will not struggle through major cravings and withdrawal symptoms, and this makes it easier for the addict to stop using drugs.
A second treatment option is counseling. Counseling helps addicts by teaching them about addictions and the way they affect the brain and the lives of the addicts and their families. Counseling is about educating a person and helping the person learn how to avoid relapsing.
Everyone Is Different
Additionally, every person is different, and that is why there are many different treatment methods around. The treatment plan that works for one person might not work perfectly for another. When people combine treatment methods, they will have a greater chance of finding the options that work for them, and this may help them break their addictions and prevent relapses from occurring in the future.
If you cannot break the addiction you have, you should consider getting professional help. You can do this by contacting a substance abuse treatment center near you.