If you are in couples counseling to help with issues that you are having in your marriage, then the counselor may also want you to have individual counseling sessions. During these sessions, it will just be yourself and the counselor. If you are wondering how individual counseling can help with your marriage, the information here may prove to be helpful.
You can focus on your feelings
When you go to marriage counseling and you are in the session with your spouse, the counselor will try to get both of you to share and listen. However, there may be many reasons why you might not be able to get your feelings out to the extent you should be. You may not want to hurt your spouses feelings, you may be threatened by your spouse on some level, you may be overshadowed by your more boisterous spouse, or there may be any number of things standing in the way of you really opening up.
You don't have to worry about denials
When you are in counseling and you are trying to work through things that you and your spouse don't agree on, it can become extremely frustrating when you see them looking at you in a disagreeing way, rolling their eyes, mocking you, or even voicing that things aren't really how you are describing them. Having your own sessions allows you to get things off your chest without the worry of ridicule or disagreements.
You can work on your own issues
When a marriage is having troubles, it is normally more than just one spouses doing. Having individual sessions gives you a safe space where you can work on your issues that may be contributing to problems in the marriage, or even just in your general life and sense of well-being. You may want to work on things you don't necessarily want to share with your spouse, but that can also affect the marriage due to the way these things make you feel. When working with the counselor one-on-one, you can get through everything you want, in your own time, and in the way that works out the best for you.
You can learn ways to deal with your spouse
When you are in individual counseling things may come up that you don't want your spouse to know are being brought up. For example, you may not want to talk about physical abuse in couples counseling because you are afraid of what will happen once you get home with them. In individual counseling, you have that safe space to talk about these things without worrying about consequences from your spouse.
Reach out to a company like The Counseling Group PL to learn more.