Strain in a military marriage is not uncommon. Frequent deployments, having to move often and various training sessions that may last for long periods often put strain on a marriage. However, there is counseling available for couples to make married life go a bit more smoothly and to prevent divorce. If you are a military couple and in need of professional help to save your marriage. Here is a look at your best options.
Types of Counseling Available
There are two types of counseling available for military couples; these are non-medical counseling and medical counseling. Non-medical counseling is a type of counseling that helps with everyday concerns about your marriage. This type of counseling helps you to improve your relationship at home. Medical counseling is available to help deal with issues of drug abuse or dependency on prescription medication. It may be necessary to seek medical counseling in addition to non-medical counseling if one partner has a substance abuse problem.
Dealing with Conflict
In military counseling, you will be asked to discuss both the bad and good parts of your relationship with your spouse. You will be asked to pinpoint the source of conflict in the relationship. If you find it hard to talk about your problems at first, this is normal. Don't be alarmed for the first couple of sessions you and your spouse have very little to say. You may even argue throughout the entire first session. This is okay as it usually gets better as time goes on. Your counselor will teach you how to resolve issues amicably.
Do Your Homework
To help you and your partner learn how to communicate, your counselor is likely to suggest activities that you can do practically outside of the sessions. You may be asked to be more loving in concrete ways. For example, you may be asked to be more appreciative of the other person by telling them how grateful you are on a regular basis or by writing them notes telling them how much you appreciate them and are thankful to have them in your life. Therapy is often short-term for most couples but for some, it can go on for years.
Getting the help you need to save your marriage is something that is readily available to military couples. Take advantage of it and follow the advice given to you by your counselor, with time and determination you can save your marriage. Speak with a professional who provides military counseling to get started.