Exploring Counseling Sessions

What Happens To Your Child Welfare Donations?

by Emma Watson

When you see a sign for child welfare donations and then donate to a cause, where does your money go? Turns out, it goes to a great number of necessities and resources children in your local community need to thrive. You can do your part to make sure the foster and disadvantaged children in your community and beyond get the counseling and other things they need by donating accordingly.

Remember, child welfare donations go beyond money. If you don't have a lot of money to donate but want to help out, then consider donating your time by volunteering in a youth camp, driving children to and from counseling and therapy sessions, or donating clothing, appliances, and furnishings to children in need. What happens to your child welfare donations? Learn more here.

They help children stay in school

Children with less than stable households or inadequate resources may be more likely to drop out of school or not have the motivation to excel. Your child welfare donations can go a long way to helping children stay in school and off the streets by helping them get school supplies and laptops, get them counseling for drugs, alcohol, and sexual activities, and can overall give children the confidence and encouragement they need to stay in school.

They help keep children fed and clothed

Many children in the United States live without food, shelter, proper clothing, and other basic necessities. As many as 16% of American children live in pure poverty, and your child welfare donations help keep this number down. Your donations, be it food, money, volunteerism in a food kitchen, or other donation, can help children thrive in their own homes.

They help keep children mentally well

Your child welfare donations can help children in traumatic situations thrive and be mentally well. Your donations can help cover the cost of counseling, therapy, medications, and other resources children need to address mental health awareness like depression, anxiety, behavior disorders, OCD, ADHD, and more. The earlier this intervention can happen, the happier children can be as they reach their teens and later adulthood.

Your child welfare donations can make a world of difference to a child in need in your very own community. If you want to know how you can help, reach out to your local health and welfare department. You can be guided in the right direction to make a big difference and make your child welfare donations really count.
