Exploring Counseling Sessions

Pilot Substance Abuse Treatment – What To Expect

by Emma Watson

Substance abuse can ruin the career of just about anyone, but more so for pilots. Not only could an incident occur causing a substance screening, but also the random tests that are required to maintain a career as a pilot. If you're suffering from substance abuse and are looking into pilot substance abuse treatment, there are probably a lot of questions swirling through your mind. Here, you'll find information that can help you prepare for treatment and tips to help you make the most of it.

Inpatient or Outpatient

Depending on the extent of your addiction, you may have a choice between inpatient and outpatient treatment. Even those with alcohol addiction may require a stay in an inpatient facility to detox.

Detoxing at home without being monitored by a health professional can be dangerous—for both drug and alcohol users. Many people fail to realize just how dangerous detoxing can be. When you take away a substance that your body has become reliant on, heart issues can occur, seizures may be experienced, and overall physical and mental strain will be suffered.

When you detox in an inpatient facility, you will receive medication and nutrients to help your body get through the detox safely and with the most comfort possible.

Some people choose to detox at an inpatient facility and continue treatment through outpatient services once the detox is complete. Just remember, the treatment that follows the detox is just as important, if not more important to your sobriety than the detox was.

Upon Arrival

Once you arrive at the treatment center, some facilities will search your bags, as well as perform a search of your entire body. This is to ensure that you do not bring substances into the facility that would be detrimental to your, and the other patient's sobriety.

After the search is complete, you'll be admitted. During the admission process, you'll talk about the substances that you've been using, when you've been using them and why you've decided to seek treatment. Then, they can begin working on a treatment plan that will meet your personal needs.

Your Stay

During inpatient and outpatient treatment, you'll find all sorts of programs available to you. Some of these programs include group therapy, one-on-one therapy, physical fitness programs, and workshops to help you learn how to manage your life without falling back into the substance that is crippling you and putting your career at risk.

Don't wait. The pilot substance abuse treatment that you need to reclaim a healthy and sober life is available. The future you will appreciate your efforts.  
