If you find yourself running to comfort food to soothe unpleasant emotions, you may not even be aware of the impact it is having on your life. For emotional eaters, turning to food when uncomfortable feelings arise can become a way of life and can lead to other eating disorders, such as binge eating. If you suspect you are eating your emotions, taking an online emotional eating coaching course can help you break the destructive cycle.
A subtle beginning
Emotional eating can develop at any point in your life and is often triggered by a life event that is unpleasant. At first, you may not notice the signs because they can be subtle. Learning to recognize early signs of emotional eating will help you seek help before it progresses.
Eating in secret, always giving in to cravings, and feeling an emotional release when you are eating can all be warning signs of an impending emotional eating disorder. It is not unusual to find yourself turning to a specific comfort food when you are faced with unpleasant emotions or thoughts.
Dangers of emotional eating
Eating your emotions rather than coping with them can lead to a destructive pattern, both emotionally and physically. The food only provides temporary comfort and never solves the problem, which may lead to you eating more and more to stuff down your feelings. Emotional eaters often become binge eaters and can gain large amounts of weight, which may increase the risk of developing health problems related to obesity.
What to expect from an emotional eating course
One of the first things you will learn in an emotional eating course is how to identify your eating triggers. You will also learn how to listen to your body and understand the role that sugar and cravings play in emotional eating. You will learn how to develop a healthy relationship between food and wellness by putting techniques into action to break free from the cycle of eating your feelings instead of confronting them head-on.
Emotional eating has a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it and can seem innocent at first. Learning about the signs of emotional eating and its hidden dangers is important if you want to regain control of your life. An emotional eating course will teach you healthy ways to confront your emotions head-on and deal with them rather than running to food to ease the discomfort.
Contact a local emotional eating coaching course to learn more.