Exploring Counseling Sessions

  • Why A Combination Of Treatment Services Work Best For Opioid Addictions

    21 July 2018

    When a person is dependent upon an opioid drug, he or she may experience a lot of challenges when trying to break the addiction; however, breaking the addiction is possible. Most experts that treat substance abuse problems recommend using a combination of different substance abuse treatment services when breaking an addiction, and here are several reasons this option works the best. Opioids Change the Brain Most people are not able to choose to break an opioid addiction and then instantly follow through with this choice, and this is primarily because opioid drugs have so many effects on the brain.

  • 3 Examples That Show You Need To Strengthen Your Boundaries

    15 April 2018

    The average married couple might not know much about personal boundaries, but this is a term with which you'll quickly become acquainted with going to a marriage counselor. Boundary issues can often lead to conflicts in relationships — when your partner invades your boundaries, you may begin to resent him or her, as well as feel a little frustrated with yourself. Simply put, a boundary in a relationship is a line that you set about your personal comfort level regarding any topic.

  • How To Help Your Troubled Teenager

    23 January 2018

    When you had your baby, you probably never thought you'd be signing up for the pain that sometimes comes with raising a child. And when the teen years arrive, that pain often becomes serious. If you have a teenager that is going through an exceptionally hard time, from evaluating his or her problem to seeking outpatient drug addiction treatment, here are some ideas that might help you to get your family through this very rough spot in the road of life.

  • Three Ways Becoming a Text Counselor Can Be Emotionally Rewarding

    22 February 2017

    If you are looking for a job as a psychiatrist, you may want to be able to help patients of all different backgrounds and types. There are a lot of patients who may live outside of your general area or may have issues leaving their homes who would be difficult to reach if you confine your business to a standard office. If you want to be able to help a number of patients, you may consider becoming a text therapist.

  • What Therapy Can Offer Your Business Career

    2 February 2017

    Going to therapy can be one of the best things that you do for yourself. It can help you take control of your life in new and empowered ways. However, few people realize that it can also work wonders for their professional career as well. The truth is, therapy can be the single most important thing you do to give yourself an advantage in the business world and ultimately enhance your career.

  • Coping As a Young Widow: 3 Strategies for Healing When You Feel Alone

    11 January 2017

    The day you said, "I do," you thought that you had years before you had to worry about that "until death do us part" bit. After all, no one wants to think about losing their spouse when they are in the height of young adulthood. Together, you had dreams of raising a family, supporting each other's careers, and buying that first home. Now you must somehow find the strength to carry on alone.

  • Tips for Maintaining Your Eating-Disorder Recovery During the Holidays

    4 January 2017

    The holidays can be a particularly difficult time for anyone who is suffering from an eating disorder and trying to recover. You see a lot of people whose go-to first thing to tell you is how much weight you've lost, and that can trigger thoughts of losing more weight. People might comment that you have gained weight, if you needed to do so for recovery, and that could trigger thoughts of restricting how much food you are eating.