29 November 2021
Children suffering from various health complications experience difficulty moving on with their everyday lives. Depending on the severity of their medical condition, some of them cannot do regular tasks independently. They require their parents or caregiver's assistance which can frustrate their recovery process. Pediatric therapy can benefit many children recovering from surgeries, injuries, amputations, and intense treatment regimens. Occupational therapy is a subset of pediatric therapy and involves helping children learn to be functional despite their injuries and sickness.
20 September 2021
Life is uncertain and has its fair share of challenges and rewarding experiences. Therefore, it might throw surprises, but you always have to find ways to heal, forgive, and forget. However, some curveballs become too severe to overcome without help. You may feel depressed and sad all the time after a certain unexpected experience. You might stop enjoying things you previously loved or sabotage your relationships with your spouse, friends, and family.
16 July 2021
Clinical depression can affect people of all ages. Many people seek treatment for their depression when they find that their symptoms begin to interfere with their ability to enjoy a normal life. Depression therapy is an effective way to treat this mental illness. In therapy, therapists can help patients address the symptoms and causes of their depression. Here are four tools and techniques that may be used as part of your depression treatment:
26 April 2021
Everyone gets anxious over things at a certain point in their life. Sometimes it could be before, during, or after making some changes in your life. In other instances, it is the worry you experience before a competition. For others, the anxiety may take over their mind and even control their life. When this happens, it becomes difficult to perform even simple activities. Alcohol dependency and depression are often associated with anxiety.
27 January 2021
Strain in a military marriage is not uncommon. Frequent deployments, having to move often and various training sessions that may last for long periods often put strain on a marriage. However, there is counseling available for couples to make married life go a bit more smoothly and to prevent divorce. If you are a military couple and in need of professional help to save your marriage. Here is a look at your best options.