Exploring Counseling Sessions

  • How Your Child Therapist Will Determine If Your Child Falsely Accused Someone Of Abuse

    4 November 2016

    Children, for the most part, try to tell the truth. If they do lie, they usually make of simple lies to hide what they did. They often do not make up wild or grandiose stories to lie, unless there is something more seriously awry with their little psyches. If your child suddenly starts accusing others of physical or sexual abuse, it is in your best interests to take him/her to a child therapist.

  • FAQ About Handling Mental Health Issues Related To Sexual Identity

    18 October 2016

    Your sexual identity should not be a source of distress, but, unfortunately, various factors can lead to the development of mental health problems, such as depression. Knowing when to seek help is important. If you are a member of the LGBTQ community, here is what you need to know about your mental health.   Why Do Mental Health Problems Develop? A lack of cultural acceptance of a person's sexual identity can play a major role in whether or not they develop mental health problems.

  • Effects A Rebellious Teen Child Can Have On A Family And How To Address These Issues

    12 October 2016

    If your teenage child is going through an extremely rebellious stage right now and is getting in a lot of trouble, your family might need to seek counseling services. While many teens do experience rebellion and issues from time to time, the problems your teen is causing might be affecting you, your spouse, and your other children. Here are three difficulties families can face in these situations that a family counselor can help you with.

  • 4 Tips To Help Your Children Cope With A Divorce

    4 October 2016

    The decision to divorce can very emotional and stressful for spouses, and matters can become even more complicated when there are children involved. Young kids often don't understand divorce, and they can become scared and anxious when their parents split up. If you and your spouse are planning to divorce, use the following tips to help your children cope: Present a United Front One of the best things you and your spouse can do during a divorce is to agree to put the kids first.

  • Tips To Help A Child Deal With Grief

    27 September 2016

    Loss can be difficult for adults to handle. For children, the loss of a family member or friend can be devastating. Finding ways to help your child understand his or her grief and face it can be challenging. If your child has suffered a loss, here are some tips to help him or her with the grief.   Be Open With Your Child It is not uncommon for children to ask questions about death.

  • Three Tips To Help Move Forward With Your Spouse After An Affair

    27 September 2016

    Affairs are not uncommon in the United States. In fact, about 41% of married couples admitted that one or both took part in an extramarital affair, according to one study. For some spouses, an affair can be physical, while others it is purely an emotional affair. Regardless of what type of affair the person is having, it can place a lot of hurt and resentment in the marriage. Just because one person or both people have had an affair, it does not mean divorce is on the horizon.

  • Tips For Making The Most Of Services Offered In An Addiction Center

    22 September 2016

    When you have a drug or alcohol dependency, the addiction is likely controlling your life, rather than you controlling the addiction. In order to regain control of your life, you need to take on the formidable challenge of entering addiction recovery. It's a challenge that is very much worth taking on. After all, you deserve a life that can be full and free of the chains of the misery of addition.